IT Compliance & Assessments

IT Compliance and assesment company in London

We are an IT compliance and assessment company serving businesses in London. Today, we use so many devices and applications to access data regardless of where we are. We are 24/7 connected. With wireless networks available almost anywhere, Cloud and transactional websites have expanded. Such is also true when it comes to increased incidences of hacker attempts to access protected sensitive data.

Despite all efforts to fortify networks hackers are also continually developing new tools and malware to disrupt even the most sophisticated networks.

Our services will help you to:

  • Identify security vulnerabilities
  • Test each network layer that is related to your IT network infrastructure. Then a comprehensive report will outline all issues facing the infrastructure with recommendations, and a prioritized activity list.


  • Provides current security state
  • Identifies security vulnerabilities
  • Protects company critical data
  • Delivers recommendations for mitigating identified risks
  • IT Compliant with industry and government regulations
  • Proactively addresses security issues before they are exploited

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