7 benefits of outsourcing your IT Project

Outsourcing has been present in a number of industries for many years but is now becoming significantly more popular. There are many different industries where outsourcing can be considered crucial, and IT is one of the most frequently mentioned.

In most cases, companies outsource to cut costs but nowadays and especially in the IT sector, outsourced specialists provide you with high-quality services, security, essential knowledge, and skills.

Below are our top 7 benefits of outsourcing your IT Project:

1. Experience

Even if you have incredibly talented employees, no one can be an expert in all areas of IT at the same time. Sooner or later, you will require expertise on particular markets, or upcoming digital solutions which none of your team have ever worked with. Being able to tap into trained resources is one of the main benefits of outsourcing IT.

2. New ideas

In addition to the above, those trained professionals have different ways of thinking to your team. Their role as an outsourced IT Project Manager means they get to see other industries, work on a many different projects and have worked out what works and what doesn’t.

3. Effective and scalable

Outsourcing your IT project is the best resource model allowing you hire the talent you need, when you need it, for exactly the length of time you require. And the best bit is when the project finishes you have no long-term commitment, no extended overheads. But what you do have is a tap that can be turned on again when you need it.

4. Reduce costs

That then leads in nicely to the cost factor. This is an obvious benefit of outsourcing as it is less expensive, given the scalability of it. It will also allow you to budget effectively as you will have a pre-agreed rate and therefore you will only pay for what you actually use. Hiring and training an IT team can be costly, so not only will outsourcing reduce those costs, but you will have talent who can hit the ground running.

5. Acquire new skills

Knowledge is vital, so learn from your outsourced project manager. Many different projects require on-site outsourcing, where you can effectively bring contractors to your company to collaborate with them. It is a fantastic opportunity for your employees to gain new skill sets, which might be helpful in the future.

6. New talent introductions

By outsourcing your IT Project, you are also tapping into their address book of successful professionals who can offer different services, experience and expertise. Remember too that any recommendation reflects on their reputation, so you can be sure that your contact will only recommend the best.

7. Higher quality IT solutions

Last but not least, is outsourced companies spend time and money researching the best equipment and software to recommend to you. Therefore, you’ll be able to obtain higher-quality IT solutions built on your behalf and fulfil greater security standards without wasting money on software or equipment that perhaps isn’t up to the job.


To summarise, outsourcing your IT Project gives you immediate access to the resources necessary to implement complex and/or time-sensitive projects without the need to have the skillset inhouse.  It also helps reduce the costs by not having to hire an experienced project manager.

A few final points when working with any outsourced company :

  • Set clear objectives : whilst you are outsourcing, you are in charge of determining the objectives that must be met.  Therefore, you need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve by when.
  • Make a list of everything you require : As long as you have a clear list of your requirements, the project will run smoothly.  Your outsourced partner, with their experience, may well add items to that list to enhance or provide better ways of working (based on their knowledge), but it’s a good start.  There is nothing worse than adding something part way through, which changes the work to date.
  • Clarify the ownership of the work upfront : Ensure that your outsourced service provider is aware of your plans for the deliverables of the project and be clear who owns which component of the tasks ahead.
  • Ask for support when the project is finished : It’s a good idea to include a warranty or support clause in technology contracts so that you’re guaranteed some level of ongoing support from the vendor after the project is completed, and
  • Focus more on the value, rather than cost : Never choose someone exclusively on price, , no matter how tempting it may be. The highest-priced and lowest-priced bids are more often than not rejected by experienced clients who have outsourced many projects. Often the most successful projects are those in which the client believed the vendor provided a fair balance of price and quality.

Talk To Premier IT

We hope you found this article useful and if you are looking for an IT outsourcing company, Premier IT Solution is here for you.

Premier IT are an award-winning outsourcing company based in London. We will achieve all the benefits highlighted above, while ensuring that your projects are completed to the highest standards.

Contact us today to discuss your IT projects.

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